The business founded in May 2016 was centred on me providing my skills & experience as an interim Finance Director with some governance work thrown in & I was lucky enough to have worked with some lovely companies.
I adored the work and saw the business improvements I had made increase performance and profitability which always makes me proud and happy.
However, like many, I have felt the need to reflect on how both my business and I have changed in the past 18 months & what services I could offer to organisations and individuals that would make a difference in their personal lives, not just their work environment.
I realised that I had been transforming the profits, systems and processes of an organisation but not really transforming the people & it’s actually the people who make the organisation excellent.
Over lockdown I embarked on a coaching and mentoring course, to formalise and make sense of what I had done intuitively already with many teams. I also took a journey to revisit my personal values and review my own business. I had an overwhelming desire to reflect the entire person that I was, not just the bits I utilized.
With the help and support of some truly amazing people I am unveiling my new website which reflects my values and the services I can provide.
I want to support sustainability and the health of the planet, through a broader and more diverse range of work in finance, governance and coaching/mentoring. This feels healthier for all of us; me, individuals, organisations and the wider global environment too.
I have a new logo, colours and website. It feels like a new beginning. I’m beta testing so please use the link below and I would love to hear your feedback, comments & suggestions so that I can fine-tune & improve.
If you would like a free organisational health check or a preliminary discussion around setting goals, improving performance or leadership skills then please book a session on the website.
I know this sounds cheesy, but I do look forward to providing the best service I can to the community!